
Discover the benefits of driving at a moderate speed


If you drive at 120 km/h
instead of 130


on a 34 km trip


it takes you 1 minutes longer


but you drive safer and more relaxed

Fuel consumption

you consume 0.38 L less fuel


save 0.60 €


and reduce
CO2 emissions by 999 g!

Detailed calculation

Note: number format is 1,234,567.89

Speed (km/h) Time (H:M)1 Fuel consumption (L)2 Cost (€)3 CO2 emissions (g)4
120 0:17 1.32 2.12 3,506
130 0:15 (-0:01) 1.70 (+0.38) 2.72 (+0.60) 4,505 (+999)

The calculation has been made on the basis of the following data

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User name diocaro
Car make and model mercedes a180d
Car fuel type Diesel
Distance 34 km
Fuel price 1.600 €/L
Speed 120 km/h Fuel consumption 25.7 km/l
Speed 130 km/h Fuel consumption 20.0 km/l
Date 2024/10/22

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Insert your data

To discover the benefits you can get by driving you car at a moderate speed, insert fuel type of your car, distance, fuel price and two or more speeds, starting from the lowest, and the corresponding fuel consumption. User name and vehicle make and model must be filled in order to save the preset

How do I find out my car’s fuel consumption per speed?

Note: number format is 1,234,567.89



Set currency, unit of length and capacity and number format


Speed/Fuel (reduce Speed/save Fuel) allows the calculation of fuel consumption, cost and CO2 emissions on a given route at different speeds. Just enter the consumption of your vehicle, set the distance to drive and discover the advantages of moderating the speed for you and the environment!


The purpose of this project is to make users aware of environmental issues and in particular the effects of fossil fuel combustion. The results of the calculations presented here serve to prove to what extent driving style influences fuel consumption and therefore the costs for users and above all the impact on the environment. Due to the necessary simplification of complex technical factors and to the difficulty in recording precise consumption data, however, these results do not have scientific value. The data in this project’s database are submitted by users. Presets containing unusable data (eg, clearly unreliable) are removed. A limited number of presets, containing data collected from sources considered to be reliable, have been inserted by the admin to populate the database during the initial phase of the project. Data entered by users into this database are not personal and do not allow to determine their identity. Users can request at any time, indicating the code generated by the system at the time of saving the preset, the modification or deletion of their data. In addition to what is specified in the website’s cookie policy, only technical cookies are used for this project in order to save users’ preferences (units of measurement). For information, suggestion or any reason, contact the admin through the specific contact form.

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